About Us

Our Origin

CXninja provides high-quality, on-demand customer service and remote talent nationwide. Launched to provide a resource where customer service pros can find quality opportunities and companies can find skilled candidates, our specialized talent cloud is your secret weapon to an exceptional customer experience.

Powered by ASK Consulting, a global talent firm serving some of the world’s largest enterprises and corporations, CXninja uses ASK’s extensive resources, knowledge and customer service expertise to deliver targeted services and solutions.

Who We Are

We give our best and provide excellent service and support for candidates, the talent community, clients, and staff every day.

Both CXninja and our parent company share guiding values, based on nine core principles, that shape how we work and interact.

CXninja is proud to exceed customer and candidate expectations and always deliver solutions that benefit everyone. Our customer service talent cloud demonstrates the success of our approach – with customized services that adapt to client needs and genuine opportunities for candidates to grow their customer service careers.

Our Core Principles

  1. We live by one rule, “Build It and They Will Come.”
  2. We are obsessively responsive.
  3. We believe hard work beats everything.
  4. We have a people-first mentality.
  5. We earn trust.
  6. We are driven by innovation.
  7. We work as one team.
  8. We think serving others is a selfish act we all should commit often.
  9. We are passionate about creating positive experiences

Our Process

CXninja is a specialized staffing services provider powered by advanced automated technology, allowing us to fill niche customer-facing roles faster with fully vetted, skill-matched talent. Our process involves 3 stages:

Open Position

You meet with us to determine your specific staffing needs, and we then create a customized candidate experience, including:

  • Unbiased Automated Assessments
  • Aptitude Tests
  • Language Tests (up to 30 languages available)
  • Customized touch points with candidates

This process allows us to ensure that no matter the hiring volume or specific skills that are required for your business, we provide you with highly qualified candidates faster than traditional staffing methods.

Screening Process

Your job is released to our network, and your custom application package is automatically sent to candidates who apply to the role. Candidates are able to complete their application and automated assessments on any mobile device, providing us with the data to create a shortlist of qualified candidates that meet your specific hiring criteria. Our automated unbiased methodology ensures that every interested candidate gets the chance to progress and prove their skills, and our automated process keeps in touch with them every step of the way to maintain constant communication, provide guidance, and reduce applicant attrition. This AI-driven automation also enables us to greatly reduce hiring time, filling most roles in under 5 days.  

Present You Qualified Candidates

We present our skill-matched candidates to you for consideration. Our automated system continues to keep candidates and your recruiting team in the loop throughout the candidate's background and drug screen process, allowing recruiters to be proactive if there are any issues and providing consistent touch points to applicants. After the new hire’s first day, we can continue to set automated touch points which are sent directly to their mobile devices, shortening onboarding time and taking the load off your internal teams.  

Whether you already have a process in place that you’d like us to integrate with, or need a full staffing solution built from the ground up, our full process is customized to the specific needs of your organization, and we will partner with your talent team every step of the way. Our specialized staffing solutions drastically improve your hiring process, including up to 81% lower attrition, 71% lower time-to-fill (with most roles filled in under 5 days), and a 67% reduction in 1st day no-shows.

To get in touch with our staffing experts and learn more about how CXninja can help revolutionize your workforce management process, CLICK HERE

Hire Verified Staff

CXninja's talent cloud offers rapid access to fully-vetted, highly trained customer service experts.

Get in Touch

Meet the team, learn more about CXninja's great opportunities, get vetted & get to work.