Direct Hire Staffing Solutions

CXninja’s comprehensive Direct Hire solution manages the entire recruitment process, including pre-screening and interview scheduling, for permanent positions within your organization. This service comes with a guarantee period, ensuring candidate replacement in the event of turnover due to performance reasons. Employing this solution leads to substantial savings in recruiting expenses and time spent on pre-screening and qualifying candidates. We use your brand when talking to candidates, as opposed to advertising your available jobs as CXninja, on behalf of “our client”.

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What are the benefits of our Direct Hire staffing solution?

Many businesses have only heard of the term “direct hire” when referring to using in-house employees to source candidates for the roles they’re trying to fill.

CXninja can help you speed up this process and find the top talent in the market by doing the work for you. We know how busy your workload is. Finding your perfect candidate is at the top of our to-do list.  Get in touch with CXninja to find out if our direct hire solution is the best staffing option for you.

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