How to Make Working Remotely Work for Your Business

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April 13, 2023

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, remote work has reshaped the way our society “goes to work” every day. It went from being a necessity to keep the country afloat, to a perk that 68% of Americans prefer. The benefits of having a distributed workforce are numerous, including increased productivity, reduced overhead costs, and access to a global talent pool. However, hiring and onboarding remote customer service representatives can be challenging, especially when you want to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

At CXninja, we understand the importance of building a successful remote customer service team. Our advanced AI technology removes the stress of finding, hiring, and onboarding top talent, from our clients' already-full plates. In this blog post, we will share some of our best practices and insights on how the most successful companies do it.

  1. Identify the skills and qualifications needed for the role

Before you begin the hiring process, it's essential to identify the skills and qualifications needed for the role. This will help you to create a job description that accurately reflects the needs of the position. You should also consider the specific customer service channels your company uses, such as phone, email, chat, or social media.

  1. Use multiple channels to source top talent

Once you have identified the skills and qualifications needed for the role, it's time to start sourcing top talent. One of the best ways to do this is to use multiple channels to reach potential candidates. Job boards, social media channels, and industry-specific forums are great places to find qualified candidates. You can also use referral programs to incentivize your current employees to recommend top talent.

  1. Conduct rigorous screening and interviewing processes

When you have identified a pool of qualified candidates, it's time to conduct rigorous screening and interviewing processes. This will help you to weed out unqualified candidates and find the best fit for the role. You should use a combination of phone and video interviews to get a sense of the candidate's communication skills and assess their ability to work remotely.

  1. Develop a comprehensive onboarding process

Once you have found the right candidate for the role, it's time to develop a comprehensive onboarding process. This process should include training on your company's products, services, and policies, as well as training on specific customer service channels and communication strategies. You should also provide your remote customer service representatives with the tools and resources they need to communicate effectively, such as video conferencing software, instant messaging platforms, and project management tools.

Don’t forget the basics! Provide remote reps with the important phone numbers they may need if their equipment isn’t working. Virtually introduce them to their team members and other stakeholders they may interact with every day. Ensure they are comfortable to alleviate the pressure and stress of starting a brand-new job.  

  1. Provide ongoing support and coaching

Even after you have successfully onboarded your remote customer service team, it's essential to provide ongoing support and coaching. This will help your team to stay motivated and perform at their best. You should provide regular feedback and coaching sessions to help your team improve their skills and address any performance issues. You should also provide them with the tools and resources they need to be successful, such as access to customer data and performance metrics.

Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!

Effective communication is key to successful remote work, and our technology stays in constant communication with new reps from the day they are hired to the day they are onboarded with your company. Through text messages and emails, your reps always have someone to talk to in case they have questions, and they feel valued by their new employer. This comfortability has helped us to eliminate first-day no-call / no-shows. Many of our clients have found that this quality onboarding process has helped to reduce attrition in the first 90 days of employment as well.  

Hire and Onboard More Efficiently with CXninja

Building a successful remote customer service team requires a combination of careful planning, effective communication, and ongoing support. By following the best practices outlined in this blog post and working with a trusted partner like CXninja, you can find and onboard top talent faster than you have before, with more confidence than ever. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a successful remote customer service team.

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